
Recursive Descent: The Next Iteration

You’ve been tasked to implement a parser for yet another language—one with the brevity of COBOL and the readability of APL. You’re sick of writing parsers. Surely a computer can do it, right?

This post was derived from a Jupyter notebook.

1 Introduction

So there you are, sitting for a job interview, when you’re asked to solve the famous FizzBuzz problem. You can use any language you like, and you’re given as much time as you need. If only there were a programming language you liked. Then you think, “Surely, they’ll hire me if I design and implement a programming language, and then use that to solve FizzBuzz! I’d be a shoo-in, right?” Maybe, maybe not. (And don’t call me “Shirley.”) Regardless, it’s a long road to dazzling/baffling your interviewer in this way.

At the outset of the previous post, we couldn’t even recognize strings of balanced parentheses properly; by the end, we had developed an array of parsing techniques, introduced syntax-directed translation, and implemented a very basic calculator program. Along the way, we dealt with a number of problems that arise in implementing parsers.

One of those problems had its origin in writing a parser for BNF grammars, specifically that the absence of a rule end delimiter led to confusion in how to interpret the identifiers introducing new rules. For example, the toy grammar

a : b c d
d : e f g

could not be properly analyzed by a parser that only considered one token of lookahead at a time (or, at least, at all times). Our way through it last time was to strategically outfit the parser with lookahead predicates—additional parsers that, while consuming no input, nevertheless enforced conditions on the input stream. For handwritten parsers for a wide range of practical languages, it’s a good strategy, since the parsing behavior is easy to reason about. There is, however, another option that is both generally applicable and that doesn’t require modifying the grammar.

There’s much to discuss. In brief, we will:

  • Highlight the limits of deterministic parsing methods and introduce the technique of backtracking;
  • Reimplement our parsing utilities to use a backtracking strategy by default;
  • Use those utilities to construct a parser for BNF grammars;
  • Extend the syntax of BNF to more easily describe languages we actually care about;
  • Automatically generate parsers from EBNF grammars; and,
  • Use a generated parser to implement a programming language.

We’ll end with an implementation of FizzBuzz in our very own programming language, implemented in turn with our very own parser generator.

2 The Limits of Determinism

Consider the following toy grammar:

bin_palin :
          | ZERO 
          | ONE
          | ZERO bin_palin ZERO
          | ONE  bin_palin ONE        

This describes all bit strings that also happen to be palindromic (i.e., the same forward and backward). Implementing this using the parsing utilities from before,

def ONE(s): return literal('1', s)

def ZERO(s): return literal('0', s)

def bin_palin(s):
    bin_palin :
              | ZERO
              | ONE
              | ZERO bin_palin ZERO
              | ONE  bin_palin ONE
    return alt(seq(ONE, bin_palin, ONE),
               seq(ZERO, bin_palin, ZERO),

Now let’s try a few cases. First, an empty string:



Now, a zero:



So far, so good. Now, let’s try a pair of zeros:



Here, it seems to have confused itself for some reason. To find that reason, let’s look at the transition function for a PDA that can recognize this language:

state stack input stack operations next state consume input?
scan ’0’ ’0’ pop scan yes
scan ’1’ ’1’ pop scan yes
scan bin_palin any pop scan no
scan bin_palin any poppush ’0’, bin_palin, ’0’ scan no
scan bin_palin any poppush ’1’, bin_palin, ’1’ scan no
scan ’$’ ’$’ pop accept yes

The expansion of bin_palin is not uniquely determined—i.e., our PDA is a non-deterministic PDA (NPDA). What’s more, every parsing mechanism we’ve implemented so far operates deterministically. This is the very problem that led us to considering an additional symbol of input for the BNF parser: If we were to write a transition table for that language, we’d find that it’s non-deterministic if we only considered one token of input at a time. By looking ahead one more token, we in a sense created a new PDA whose transition function used pairs of tokens instead of single tokens (though, for brevity, it ignored that second input token most of the time).

Unlike the BNF parsing problem, however, there is no amount of lookahead that will help us here, as palindromic strings do not have any sort of marker to help us identify the middle of the input stream. While we could write a parser that uses a huge amount of lookahead that allows us to deal with any string we might likely encounter, we know perfectly well that longer strings are theoretically possible, and it’s only a matter of time before technology or an attacker throws one at us and breaks our parser. What we need is a way to simulate non-determinism. The simplest is to allow the parser to consume the same input at different times, i.e., to backtrack arbitrarily far in the input stream and try something else.

Before moving on, it should be clear that NPDAs can recognize languages that deterministic PDAs (DPDAs) cannot—specifically, DPDAs can recognize a class of languages called deterministic context-free languages, while NPDAs can recognize all context-free languages.

3 Backtracking Implementation

While there are more pieces to implementing backtracking than for lookahead predicates, it’s still quite straightforward. The key is to get alt to return all possible parses from the current input position. Since there might be quite a lot of them, we’ll put generators to good use:

def alt(*ps):
    def parse(s):
        return (item for p in ps for item in p(s))
    return parse

Now, since an alt-parser will produce a series of possible parses, it follows that a seq-parser that calls one will, too:

def seq(*ps):
    def parse(s):
        if ps:
            for first, rest in ps[0](s):
                if ps[1:]:
                    for cont, rest2 in seq(*ps[1:])(rest):
                        yield [first] + cont, rest2
                else: yield [first], rest
    return parse

Since alt and seq now expect generators, we’ll make our terminal parsers into generators as well:

def literal(spec, s):
    spec = spec.strip()
    n = len(spec)
    s = s.lstrip()
    if s[:n] == spec: yield spec, s[n:]

def match(spec, s):
    s = s.lstrip()
    m = re.match('(%s)' % spec, s)
    if m:
        g = m.group(0)
        yield g, s[len(g):]

And we’ll finish up by modifying the wrapper class for parser functions:

class parser:
    def __init__(self, f): self.f = f

    def __call__(self, s):
        for matched, rest in self.f(s):
            sym = symbol(self.f.__name__, matched)
            yield parse_result((sym, rest))

def EPSILON(s): yield '', s

In general, we’re only interested in parses that consume the entire input stream:

def parses(start, s):
    for x in start(s):
        p, rest = x
        if not rest.strip(): yield p

Very often, we’re happy with the first such parse:

def parse(start, s): return next(parses(start, s))

4 Backtracking to Binary Palindromes

We’re now ready to attack the palindrome problem. The parsing functions look just as they did before:

def ZERO(s): return literal('0', s)

def ONE(s): return literal('1', s)

def bin_palin(s):
    bin_palin :
              | ZERO
              | ONE
              | ZERO bin_palin ZERO
              | ONE  bin_palin ONE
    return alt(seq(ZERO, bin_palin, ZERO),
               seq(ONE, bin_palin, ONE),

But we use them a bit differently, since each parser now generates a series of parses. For the case ’00’,

parses(bin_palin, '00')

there is precisely one parse, which looks like


5 BNF Parsing, Revisited

With our new-found power, let’s try parsing BNF again. The code is the same as our first attempt (the one without additional lookahead):

## terminals

def IDENTIFIER(s): return match('[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*', s)

def COLON(s): return literal(':', s)

def PIPE(s): return literal('|', s)

## nonterminals

def production(s):
    production :
               | IDENTIFIER production
    return alt(seq(IDENTIFIER, production), EPSILON)(s)

def productions(s):
    production : production PIPE productions
               | production
    return alt(production, seq(production, PIPE, productions))(s)

def rule(s):
    'rule : IDENTIFIER COLON productions'
    return seq(IDENTIFIER, COLON, productions)(s)

def rules(s):
    rules :
          | rule rules
    return alt(seq(rule, rules), EPSILON)(s)

Applying this to the toy grammar first caused us to stumble now gives the proper result:

      a : b c d
      d : e f


6 Extended BNF

All of the grammars we’ve looked at so far have used productions like

list_of_something :
                  | something list_of_something


list_of_something : something list_of_something
                  | something

to express repetition. For example, the BNF grammar for BNF grammars from the previous post described series of rules as

rules       : rule rules
            | rule

and series of productions as

productions : production PIPE productions
            | production

while productions themselves were described by

production  :
            | IDENTIFIER production

Likewise, we’ve used productions like

optional_item :
              | item

to describe substitutions that may or may not happen. For example, the toy grammar for nested parentheses, braces, etc. was

parens : 
       | LPAREN parens RPAREN parens

Whenever we program, we mercilessly root out needless repetition, even of form, and the same is true of writing grammars. What we need is a notation that allows us to concisely express repetition and optional constructs in a grammar. Luckily, we’re not the first to desire an Extended Backus-Nauer Form (EBNF). There are many flavors of EBNF adding different sets of notational conveniences, but we’ll stick with just repetition and options.

First, we’ll denote any number of repetitions of a set of productions by enclosure in braces; so,

foo : {bar}

says that a foo is a sequence of any number of bars. Using this notational convenience, we can describe vanilla BNF (i.e., unextended) with the much more compact grammar

rules       : rule {rule}
rule        : IDENTIFIER COLON productions
productions : production {PIPE production}
production  : {IDENTIFIER}

Secondly, we’ll denote optional units by enclosing them in bracketes, allowing us to write

parens : [LPAREN parens RPAREN parens]

Now that we understand what we want from these syntactic extensions, let’s write the code that implements them, starting with repetition. Because of backtracking, a repeated parser might match multiple substrings from the same position; this is the same behavior that shaped the backtracking implementation of seq. Unlike seq, where we know how many symbols (determined by the grammar) are to be parsed from the input, we have no idea how many repetitions we’ll see—it’s entirely data dependent, and depending on the data source it might be quite large. Rather than risk a RuntimeError due to excessive recursion, we’ll use an iterative implementation with an explicit stack to manage the search for a valid parse.

def rep(p):
    def parse(s):
        stack = [([], s)]
        while stack:
            path, s = stack.pop(-1)
            yield path, s
            for x, rest in p(s):
                if len(rest) < len(s): # EPSILON can cause infinite loopiness
                    stack.append((path + [x], rest))
    return parse

The utility to create optional parsers is much more boring:

def opt(p): return alt(p, EPSILON)


Describing BNF with EBNF is nice, but if we’re going to try writing grammars in EBNF, it might be worth considering how that notation should really look—i.e., let’s try to come up with a grammar for EBNF. We’ll start with a series of rules, defined as before:

rules        : {rule}
rule         : IDENTIFIER COLON productions

Productions are unchanged:

productions  : production {PIPE production}

It’s in productions that we want to start bending the syntax. Rather than saying

production   : {IDENTIFIER}

we’ll have the more general idea of a substitution:

production   : {substitution}

What kind of substitutions? Well, we know we want to be able to reference other rules (like before). We also want to be able to use the repeated and optional syntaxes that we just discussed; and, since we’re enclosing things in brackets and braces, let’s allow parentheses for simple grouping:

substitution : repeated 
             | optional 
             | enclosed 
             | IDENTIFIER

repeated     : LBRACE productions RBRACE
optional     : LBRACK productions RBRACK
enclosed     : LPAREN productions RPAREN

For the final increment of convenience, let’s allow direct usage of string literals and regular expressions. With that,

substitution : repeated 
             | optional 
             | enclosed 
             | IDENTIFIER
             | STRING_LITERAL 
             | REGEX

There’s one more development, and it’s purely to simplify things later: identifiers play a dual role in EBNF, allowing us to name rules and to reference other rules. To capture that, we’ll factor substitution just a bit:

substitution : repeated 
             | optional 
             | enclosed 
             | reference
             | STRING_LITERAL 
             | REGEX

reference    : IDENTIFIER

8 Parsing EBNF Grammars

You’ll notice that, despite allowing for in-line regexes and string literals in a grammar, our EBNF grammar still doesn’t use such conveniences. That’s intentional, as we don’t yet have the machinery for dealing with them, and we’re trying to maintain a close correspondence between our grammars and our code. We’ll get to use the full power of our EBNF soon enough.

First, let’s define some utilities to help us:

### Something not discussed above is that it might be nice to have comments in
### a grammar. Rather than clutter the EBNF grammar directly, we'll just build
### comment handling into the first part of parsing terminals.

def skip_comment(s):
    s2 = re.sub('^#[^\n]*', '', s.lstrip()).lstrip()
    while s2 != s:
        s = s2
        s2 = re.sub('^#[^\n]*', '', s.lstrip()).lstrip()
    return s

def literal2(spec, s): 
    return literal(spec, skip_comment(s))

def match2(spec, s): 
    return match(spec, skip_comment(s))

The terminal parsers that we really want to define:

def IDENTIFIER(s): return match2(r'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*', s)

    return match2(r"\'(\\.|[^\\'])*\'", s)

def REGEX(s): return match2(r'/(\\.|[^\\/])+/', s)

And the terminal parsers that we’re defining because we still have to:

def LBRACE(s): return literal2('{', s)

def RBRACE(s): return literal2('}', s)

def LBRACK(s): return literal2('[', s)

def RBRACK(s): return literal2(']', s)

def LPAREN(s): return literal2('(', s)

def RPAREN(s): return literal2(')', s)

def COLON(s): return literal2(':', s)

def PIPE(s): return literal2('|', s)

Now we can focus on the main grammar:

def rules(s):
    'rules : {rule}'
    return rep(rule)(s)

def rule(s):
    'rule : IDENTIFIER COLON productions'
    return seq(IDENTIFIER, COLON, productions)(s)

def productions(s):
    'productions : production {PIPE production}'
    return seq(production, rep(seq(PIPE, production)))(s)

def production(s): 
    'production : {substitution}'
    return rep(substitution)(s)

def substitution(s):
    substitution : repeated 
                 | optional 
                 | enclosed 
                 | reference 
                 | STRING_LITERAL 
                 | REGEX'
    return alt(repeated, 

def enclosed(s):
    'enclosed : LPAREN productions RPAREN'
    return seq(LPAREN, productions, RPAREN)(s)

def repeated(s):
    'repeated : LBRACE productions RBRACE'
    return seq(LBRACE, productions, RBRACE)(s)

def optional(s):
    'optional : LBRACK productions RBRACK'
    return seq(LBRACK, productions, RBRACK)(s)

def reference(s):
    'reference : IDENTIFIER'
    return IDENTIFIER(s)

With that, we can rewrite the grammar for the “calculator” language from before like so:

statements : {statement}

statement  : assignment 
           | expression

assignment : IDENTIFIER '=' expression
expression : term {/[+-]/ term}
term       : factor {/[*\/]/ factor}

factor     : reference 
           | NUMBER 
           | enclosed

reference  : IDENTIFIER
enclosed   : '(' expression ')'
IDENTIFIER : /[A-Za-z_]\w+/
NUMBER     : /[0-9]+/

When parsed with rules, we get the following structure:


The empty circles you see are the anonymous nonterminals produced by rep and opt—remember, they’re containers for sets of productions. You’ll notice that some have no child nodes; those each correspond to zero repetitions of the relevant nonterminal. For example, the first rule in the calculator grammar,

statements : {statement}

has only one production, so the list of alternative productions, described in the grammar for EBNF as

{PIPE production}

is empty. The leftmost and topmost of the nameless, childless circles in the tree above corresponds to that empty list.

This is also a good time to point out that the body of that repetition is actually an anonymous seq,

PIPE production

which is why the immediate descendents of the nodes representing lists of alternate productions are themselves anonymous nonterminals.

9 A Recursive Descent Parser Generator

Consider how we’ve been writing parsers so far: We define a grammar, perhaps something like

uberpwn      : pleasantries order condition COMMA recipient PERIOD
pleasantries : YOU MAY
order        : FIRE
condition    : WHEN YOU ARE READY
recipient    : GRIDLEY

and then we write parsing functions by inspection that are little more than the rules with some boilerplate:

def uberpwn(s):
    'uberpwn : pleasantries order condition COMMA recipient PERIOD'
    return seq(pleasantries, order, condition, COMMA, recipient, PERIOD)(s)

We could avoid a great deal of typing, and potential for bugs, if we could somehow generate the parsing functions from the grammar. A program that allows us to do that is called a parser generator. Leaning on the existing parsing functions for EBNF, as well as a custom postorder evaluator for the parse tree of an input grammar, a workable solution might look like:

## utilities to clean things up

def dummy_parser(parsefn):
    parsefn.__name__ = ''
    return parser(parsefn)

def Literal(spec): return dummy_parser(lambda s: literal2(spec, s))
def Match(spec)  : return dummy_parser(lambda s: match2(spec, s))

def enclosure(sym): return type(sym) == list

def nonterminal(sym): return not (isinstance(sym, symbol) and sym.terminal)

def combine(parts, fn):
    if   len(parts) == 0: return EPSILON
    elif len(parts) == 1: return parts[0]
    else                : return fn(*parts)

def parserize(parsefn):
    return parsefn if isinstance(parsefn, parser) else parser(parsefn)

## the parser generator

class Parser:
    def __init__(self, start, grammar, **symbols):
        self.start   = start
        self.grammar = grammar
        self.symbols = symbols

        self._eval(next(parses(rules, grammar)))

    def handle(self, sym):
        handler = getattr(self, 'h_' + sym.type, None)
        if handler:
            hargs = [sym.value] if sym.terminal else sym.value
            sym.result = handler(*hargs)
            return sym.result

    def subeval(self, sym):
        for child in sym: self._eval(child)

    def _eval(self, sym):
        if not enclosure(sym): self.handle(sym)

    def __call__(self, s):
        return parse(self.symbols[self.start], s)

    #### handlers

    def h_enclosed(self, _, body, __): return body.result
    def h_optional(self, _, body, __): return opt(body.result)
    def h_repeated(self, _, body, __): return rep(body.result)

    def h_substitution(self, subst) : return subst.result

    def h_STRING_LITERAL(self, s): return Literal(s[1:-1])
    def h_REGEX         (self, r): return Match  (r[1:-1])

    def h_reference(self, name):
        return lambda s: self.symbols[name.value](s)

    def h_production(self, *substs_):
        substs = [subst.result for subst in substs_ if subst]
        return combine(substs, seq)

    def h_productions(self, first, rest):
        prods = [first.result] + [prod.result for (_, prod) in rest]
        return combine(prods, alt)

    def h_rule(self, name_, _, prods):
        parsefn = parserize(prods.result)
        parsefn.f.__name__ = name = name_.value
        self.symbols[name] = parsefn

Of particular interest is how evaluation is controlled. Before, we used a purely syntax-directed strategy to control statement evaluation in our interactive calculator. The parser for that language, though, was deterministic, so we knew that there would never be more than one parsing from a given position in the input stream. The parser for EBNF employs backtracking to simulate nondeterminism. If we were to invoke a handler for a symbol immediately on recognition, all of the work performed by that handler would be wasted were we to backtrack later. What’s more, any of that handler’s side effects would persist, possibly leading to strange interactions between parsing attempts.

Rather than use that excellent recipe for bugs, we instead adopted the approach of finding a valid parse tree for the entire input first, and only then trying to evaluate it. Thus, Parser.eval is written to traverse a finished parse tree, invoking handlers for the various symbols as it encounters them. (To be clear, Parser.eval is meant only to apply to the parse trees of EBNF grammars; we’ll write something more general shortly.)

Applying Parser to the calculator grammar

calc_parser = Parser('statements', CALCULATOR)

gives us a ready tool for analyzing expressions and assignments, just as before:

calc_parser('4 + 5*6 - 7')


10 Our Very Own Programming Language

Now that we can automatically generate parsers for interesting languages, let’s create a more interesting language—let’s turn our “calculator” language into a programming language. For this demonstration, all we’ll do is bolt on syntax for loops, conditionals, and output:

statements     : {statement}

statement      : print          # new syntax
               | loop           # new syntax
               | conditional    # new syntax
               | assignment     
               | expression     

assignment     : IDENTIFIER '=' expression
expression     : term {/[+-]/ term}
term           : factor {/[%*\/]/ factor}

factor         : reference 
               | NUMBER 
               | enclosed

reference      : IDENTIFIER
enclosed       : '(' expression ')'
print          : 'print' (expression | STRING_LITERAL)
loop           : 'while' expression statements 'end'
conditional    : 'if' expression statements 'end'
NUMBER         : /[-]?[0-9]+/
STRING_LITERAL : /\'(\\.|[^\\'])*\'/

# it's critical that IDENTIFIER not pick up any reserved words

IDENTIFIER     : /(?!print|while|if|end)[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*/

After building a parser from this grammar,

Parser('statements', '''
statements     : {statement}

we can parse programs written in the language it describes. For example, a program to count from 0 to 4 might look like:

x = 0
while 5 - x
    print x
    x = x + 1

Parsing that program with our grammar gives


11 Semantic Analysis, Revisited

Let’s ponder how to bring our new language, and programs written in it, to life. Let’s write an interpreter.

While a strictly postorder traversal can get us pretty far, this time it’s not enough. The nature of conditional and loop statements requires us to control the evaluation of some portions of the parse tree based on the results of evaluating other portions. For example, consider the loop

while 5 - x
    print x
    x = x + 1

The loop itself consists of four major parts: an introductory keyword, a condition, a body, and an ending keyword. This is expressed in the grammar above as

loop  : 'while' expression statements 'end'

To deliver the conventional semantics of a while loop, the interpreter has to repeatedly evaluate the body

print x
x = x + 1

as long as x is not equal to 5. The standard behavior of a postorder evaluator, however, is to evaluate each node of the parse tree once in a bottom-up, left-to-right order. To gain control of when certain parse subtrees are evaluated, we’ll introduce an additional bit of state into the evaluator. First, we’ll split off the introductory keyword, thereby giving us a named symbol to which we can attach a handler:

loop  : WHILE expression statements 'end'
WHILE : 'while'

Then we’ll create two handlers,

  • One for WHILE, which will inform the evaluator to skip normal evaluation of the condition, body, and ending keyword; and
  • One for loop, which will directly control the evaluation of the condition and the body, giving us ample opportunity to implement the semantics we desire.

The evaluator class below provides the basic mechanism that we need.

class evaluator:
    def __init__(self):
        self.skip = 0
        self.handler = {}

    # If nonzero, self.skip inhibits evaluation of the next self.skip sibling
    # nodes in the parse tree by left-to-right postorder evaluation. It is
    # reset to 0 on moving up the parse tree. This was done to allow setting
    # skip to, say, -1 to inhibit the remaining siblings (however many there
    # are) while allowing handlers higher in the tree to operate normally.

    def __call__(self, sym):
        'evaluate the subtree rooted at sym'
        if self.skip: self.skip -= 1
        else: return self._eval_basic(sym)

    def _eval_basic(self, sym):
        ret = None
        dummy = type(sym) == list

        if not getattr(sym, 'terminal', False):
            for child in sym: ret = self(child)
            self.skip = 0
            if dummy: return ret

        try: handler = self.handler[sym.type]
        except KeyError: return
        except AttributeError: return

        hargs = [sym.value] if sym.terminal else sym.value
        sym.result = handler(*hargs)

        return sym.result

    def on(self, sym):
        'set a symbol handler'
        def deco(fn):
            self.handler[sym] = fn
            return fn
        return deco

12 A New Programming Language in < 100 Lines

We’re now ready to implement an interpreter for our language, which we’ll give the highly informative name of ASDF. Using the grammar, parser generator, and evaluator, it comes together with very little effort:

import operator as ops

class asdf_interpreter:
    statements     : {statement}

    statement      : print 
                   | loop 
                   | conditional
                   | assignment 
                   | expression

    assignment     : IDENTIFIER '=' expression
    expression     : term {/[+-]/ term}
    term           : factor {/[%*\/]/ factor}

    factor         : reference 
                   | NUMBER 
                   | enclosed

    reference      : IDENTIFIER
    enclosed       : '(' expression ')'
    print          : 'print' (expression | STRING_LITERAL)
    loop           : WHILE expression statements 'end'
    conditional    : IF expression statements 'end'
    NUMBER         : /[-]?[0-9]+/
    STRING_LITERAL : /\'(\\.|[^\\'])*\'/

    # it's critical that IDENTIFIER not pick up any reserved words

    IDENTIFIER     : /(?!print|while|if|end)[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*/

    # we'll put a handler on these introductions so we have the opportunity
    # to operate the 'skip' mechanism and control evaluation of the bodies

    WHILE          : 'while'
    IF             : 'if'

    def __init__(self):
        self.calc = calc = evaluator()
        self.parse = Parser('statements', self.__class__.__doc__)
        self.vars = {}

        def h_reference(name): return self.vars[name.value]

        def h_NUMBER(p): return int(p)

        def h_enclose(_, inside, __): return inside.result

        def h_factor(p): return p.result

        def h_apply_ops(first, rest):
            OP = {'+': ops.add, '-': ops.sub, 
                  '*': ops.mul, '/': ops.truediv, '%': ops.mod}

            acc = first.result

            for (op, mag) in rest: 
                acc = OP[op.value](acc, mag.result)

            return acc

        def h_STRING_LITERAL(s): return s[1:-1]

        def h_assignment(name, _, val): 
            self.vars[name.value] = val.result

        def h_print(_, out): print(out.result)

        def h_compound_intro(_): calc.skip = -1

        def h_conditional(_, cond, conseq, __):
            if calc(cond): calc(conseq)

        def h_loop(_, test, body, end):
            while calc(test): calc(body)

    def __call__(self, prog): self.calc(self.parse(prog))

That’s it. Now all we have to do is instantiate the interpreter,

ASDF = asdf_interpreter()

write a program to solve the FizzBuzz problem,

fizzbuzz = '''
i = 1

# for demonstration, stop at 20 iterations

while 21 - i
    fizz = 1
    buzz = 1
    emit = 1

    if i % 3
        fizz = 0

    if i % 5
        buzz = 0

    if fizz * buzz
        fizz = 0
        buzz = 0
        emit = 0
        print 'FizzBuzz'

    if fizz
        emit = 0
        print 'Fizz'

    if buzz
        buzz = 0
        emit = 0
        print 'Buzz'

    if emit
        print i
        emit = 0
    i = i + 1

and run it:


13 Wrapping Up

It’s virtually assured that no other candidate for a given job would dream of answering the FizzBuzz question by creating a programming language with which to solve it, and the odds that any of your competition would attempt a parser generator along the way are infinitesimal. Does this mean you’d get the job for pulling such a stunt? Not necessarily—the interviewer could just as easily call security.

But this was never about just the next gig. In this and the previous two posts we’ve examined in considerable detail, both theoretical and practical, the foundations of regular expression engines and much of what happens in compilers and interpreters. In so doing, we’ve expanded our understanding of the software that we use and build with, and we’ve gained an array of design tools—and options—that we didn’t have before.

There’s a lot we didn’t cover, too. We didn’t talk about code generation or optimization. We didn’t discuss the design of virtual machines. We didn’t even discuss alternative parsing approaches (like LL or LR or LALR). That’s okay. This post has once again run long, and we might visit at least some of those topics soon enough.